Tuesday 11 February 2020
London – for immediate release
Yesterday the Court of Appeal ruled on Detention Action’s legal challenge over the removal to Jamaica of individuals detained in the Heathrow immigration detention centres who have not been allowed proper access to legal advice.
The Rt. Hon. Lady Justice Simler ruled that no one can be removed on the charter flight to Jamaica scheduled for this morning (Tuesday 11 February 2020) unless they have had access to a working non-O2 SIM card since 3 February.
The Government appealed the decision late last night but its application for reconsideration was rejected by the Court of Appeal in a decision handed down at 00.26 on Tuesday morning.
A full copy of the order is here.
Bella Sankey, Director of Detention Action, said: “We are delighted that tonight the Court of Appeal has twice stood up for fundamental rights and access to justice. If the Government wants to show strength and leadership it will now reflect with humility and accept calls for its flawed detention and deportation systems to be fundamentally reformed. Populist authoritarianism is easy and lazy. But Britain is better than this.”
For media enquiries please contact:
Matthew Leidecker, Campaigns Manager
Bella Sankey, Director
07967 552821
Spokespeople are available for broadcast interview.
Notes to editors:
1. Detention Action is a national charity established in 1993 that seeks to defend the rights and improve the welfare of people in immigration detention by combining support for individuals with campaigning for policy change. Detention Action works in Harmondsworth and Colnbrook IRCs near Heathrow Airport in London, Morton Hall IRC in Lincolnshire, and with people held under immigration powers in London prisons. We work with around 1000 individuals held in detention each year.
2. Detention Action is represented by Duncan Lewis Solicitors, and Jessica Jones and Chris Buttler of Matrix Chambers.